
Don't Give Up with Odor Underarm Odor

Sweat actually does not smell. If it smells, especially to cause underarm odor, it means that sweat has been mixed with bacteria on the skin. To overcome this, there are several ways you can do. Let's look at the explanation in the following article. The body has sweat glands called apocrine glands in the skin of the armpits, chest, and genital area. At puberty, this gland will become more active so that the production of sweat increases. The adam does have a higher tendency to experience severe underarm odor known as bromhidrosis, but this condition can also occur in women. Some possible causes are poor hygiene, obesity, diabetes, and skin problems. The smell of underarms can reduce a person's confidence, and often also interfere with social relationships. But don't worry, there are several ways to get rid of underarm odor. Lifestyle and proper care can make you avoid unpleasant body odor. How to reduce underarm odor To reduce or overcome the annoying underarm odor,...

Bloated babies can result in things that you are not aware of

Bloated babies are often considered normal and harmless. However, in some cases, this condition may be a symptom of a more serious disease. Parents are expected to be able to recognize the causes of bloated babies, as well as the symptoms that need to be watched for. Generally, a bloated baby can be recognized by its symptoms, such as a hard palpable stomach, often belching, farting, and difficulty defecating. In addition, he also seemed more likely to cry and fuss. Parents need to find out the causes of bloating, to be able to prevent and help overcome them. Various Causes of Bloated Babies Babies often experience flatulence when aged 0-3 months and 6-12 months. At the age of 0-3 months, babies often experience flatulence because the digestive tract is still not working perfectly. Whereas in infants aged 6 months and over, flatulence occurs because the baby's digestive tract needs to adapt again to digest the types of complementary foods for breast milk (MPASI). In additio...

This is a Effective Way to Relieve Toothache

Even though it is small, diseased teeth can be very disruptive to comfort in your activities. Don't just grimace or even cry, get over it immediately by alleviating the following effective toothache. Toothache can be caused by a variety of things, and the pain is not only in the teeth, but can also be felt to the gums and mouth. How to relieve toothache is not only have to use drugs that are sold in pharmacies. There are several methods that are quite easy and the ingredients you can get in the kitchen, from spices to seasonings. Natural Ways to Relieve Tooth Pain The following are some ways to relieve toothache with natural ingredients that you can find in the kitchen: Gargling with salt water The first way to deal with toothaches easily is to rinse with salt water. Simply mix one glass of water with half a teaspoon of salt, then use it to rinse for about 30 seconds, then discard. Salt water serves as a natural disinfectant and can relieve inflammation of the teeth and...

Variety of Sports for a Maximum Diet

For those of you who want to have an ideal body weight, reducing food portions alone is not enough. Exercising regularly also plays an important role to get the ideal body weight. Then, what are the exercises for your diet that you can do at home? Sports or physical activity basically helps you burn calories. In addition to eating healthy foods, you also need exercise to diet if you want to lose weight. There are several types of exercise that not only burn calories, but are also able to burn fat in certain body parts, such as the stomach, arms, and thighs. By doing exercise for the diet it is hoped that it can build body muscles, so that these body parts become tighter and don't sag. Various Sports for Diet Here are some types of exercise for diet that you need to know: Run Running is an effective exercise to burn calories and fat in the body. A study shows that running for about 30 minutes can burn about 350 calories. Not just exercise for diet, running can also reduc...

Stop the habit of littering from now

Littering means disposing of waste where it shouldn't be. For example, throwing cigarette butts in the gutter, disposing of used batteries near the living area, throwing away plastic, used bottles, used food wrapping paper, or food scraps just like that, even in the home environment. In addition to eyesore, the habit of littering can cause disease. If this habit is carried out in the long term, the adverse effects will be even broader, namely a decrease in the quality of human life. Garbage that is not properly disposed of can cause unpleasant odors and Mode of Transmission of Diseases due to Random Disposal Transmission of diseases from littering can be divided into two, namely directly and indirectly. The following explanation: Directly Transmission occurs when a person comes into direct contact with trash containing germs, then the germ enters the body through the mouth. Another example is if someone is scratched by a rusty can in a pile of rubbish and is injured, th...